Claire Tassin

Claire Tassin is engineer (M. of Sc.), specialized in Hydraulics and water management (INP-ENSE3 in Grenoble, France – 1992).
She works in French, German and English. 
She is french and Swiss.

From 1993, I first worked several years in Germany by consultant firms specialized in the fields of water and environment.
I was working on developing projects on field in Africa, as well as from the home office in Germany.

Back into France in 1999 I worked specially by supporting French territorial collectivities by the design of services or infrastructures in the water sector, including hydraulic modeling.

2004 I founded the SME Claire Tassin Conseil which was specialized on consultancy services for French cities and collectivities in the field of water, supporting them to plan infrastructures or to reorganize the governance of services.

In 2015 I wanted to enlarge my scope of services. I thus joined Swiss official services to support Helvetic SMEs on their interest for France.

Through this complementary experiences I founded eclore consulting where I now offer to you my knowledge and my know-how based on now 30 years of international experience.

Board Member of the French Water Partnership (FWP)
Member of the french Scientific Association of Professionals of Water and Environment (ASTEE)